Dental Implants Supported Prosthesis

Dental Implants Supported Prosthesis

Implants Prosthesis

Depending on how many teeth you`re missing, you may have asingle, partial, or complete prosthesis. The more teeth to be replaced, the more implants you will need. For most people, a permanent prosthesis won`t be made until the jawbone has fusedto the implants. Until then, a temporary prosthesis may be used.


A single prosthesis is used to replace a missing tooth. One implant is all that`s needed for support.

Single dental implant


A partial prosthesis replaces two or more teeth. Two or three implants are used for support.


A complete denture prosthesis replaces all the teeth in an upper or lower jaw, or both.  

The number of implants needed depends on whether a fixed or removable prosthesis is used.

Implant Dentistry Specialists
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.